Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Things are moving along over in Ethiopia.  I get to Facetime Matt and Endale usually once a day.  It is so fun to see them.  I have to brag on my hubby a bit.  He is doing great being a Daddy to this precious kiddo we just met!  Endale has flourished in the 8 days of being with us.  He went from being lethargic and apathetic to lighting up every time he sees us and responding to everything!  It is such a blessing to see.

-Receive Adoption Decree
-Receive Birth Certificate
-Get 3 MOWA letters
-Get Endale's passport
-Medical appointment for Endale at Embassy
-Submit our case to Embassy
-Get Embassy appointment
-Clear embassy
Get Endale's visa
I woke up to an email from Matt this morning saying we had received the immigration paperwork so we could proceed with getting his passport and he planned to do that tomorrow.  Then, a bit later, he emailed saying...I went down to immigration and already applied for the passport today!  Woo-hoo.  Check!  We expect the passport should be ready for pick up by Monday.  Tuesday is Endale's Embassy medical appointment.  Then, we'll have everything we need to submit to Embassy.  In the past, agencies have had certain days they can submit to Embassy.   Our agency's day is Thursday.  So, by next Thursday, we will submit to Embassy.  From there, they would give Matt an exit interview and we'd wait for the visa for him to come home.  Right now, we have plane tickets (booked in faith) for Matt to leave Ethiopia 4/9.  I will meet him in DC the next morning and fly the rest of the way home with him.  
How you can pray:
We have seen God move mountains over and over again throughout this process.  We're praying that somehow, the Embassy might allow us to go ahead and submit on Tuesday with a possible visa in hand on Friday, so Matt could come home earlier!  We're praying for BIG things from our BIG God!   
He has been so very faithful to us every step of the way to Endale.  Please join us in giving Him the glory for all the things He has done.


Monday, March 24, 2014

A Word From My Man

Today is Monday, March 24, 2014.  It marks one week since our arrival in Ethiopia and the third day since Christy and Camden left to go home.  At this point I have at least 10 days more of being here (and that is best case scenario).

It has been an interesting visit so far and I am sure I will get to learn more as the days pass.

Here are some things I have come to realize in my time here…

1.  Speed is not a must.  Nothing happens here quickly.  The American way of doing things (that generally is thought of as the best way by most Americans) is to get “it” done now and then move on to the next two to three projects I have. 

In America, we want everything done now or five minutes ago.  We have cell phones we are either talking on or emailing on or texting on or digging through some app to get the latest information or… you know what I mean.  We have internet that is fast and we complain if it is slow.  Our phones have internet so we can keep busy even while sitting and waiting.  Why?  All in order to be “up to speed” on what is going on in the world.

Here, it is not like that at all.  If people have a cell phone, it is a basic phone with little to no features.  Internet works when it wants to.  And people really don’t care.  There are internet cafes (more like shacks) all around town because people don’t have it at their houses.  The only places to get fast reliable internet is at the Sheraton and Hilton (coincidentally both American style hotels).

In America, we have Fast Food, drive thrus, and microwaves.  We even have drive thru coffee places.

Here - they don’t know what fast food is and when I told one of the guys about getting coffee while still in your car he was shocked.  You see, the way they do their food, their coffee, their everything, it is about connection.  They don’t rush meals - you actually have to ask for the check because they are not trying to get you out the door.  Here at the guest house I am at - they roast their coffee beans every morning and then grind them and then brew them.  Why - so they can talk while doing it and connect with each other.  

In America, church is over in about an hour… give or take a few minutes.  We have our eyes on a clock knowing that three songs, announcements, a message and a song or two more and we will be done.  We stand in our place, stiff, singing quietly if at all and we call it our hour of “worship.”

Here - the music started and the people responded… it was over and hour a music to start and I didn’t see one person looking at their watch… probably because they didn’t have any other place to go or something more important to do than connect with God in a corporate setting.

While I love America and can’t wait to get back… I think we need to take a look at our schedules and ask the questions that the guy I was talking to about drive thru’s asked… “Why is everybody in America so busy?”  “What are they gaining in their busyness?”

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Introducing Endale Matthew Sellers

This morning, we left Endale at the guest house and went to the court house.  I was expecting a little more pomp and circumstance due to the towers of paperwork and hoops we've had to jump through to get to this day.  We climbed 4 flights of stairs and walked down the hallway.  On one side was a room full of criminals.  Our in-country rep, Dereje, explained that they were there for committing killing people.  Uuuhhhh....okay.  The other side of the hallway was our waiting room.  We sat down and watched another family go into the room with the judge.  In less than 5 minutes, it was our turn.  We went into the room with the judge.  She asked us several questions.  In less time than it took to walk to the court house from where we parked, the judge announced what God had already ordained for our family....
Endale is your son.

Leaving the transition house
At transition house

So from here....
After we booked our tickets to come home between court and embassy, we were told that one of us would have to stay until we could bring him home because our agency's transition house is closing.  We had always planned for two trips, but we had to change our plans.  After talking through all the options, we decided it would work best for Matt to stay.  He felt safer being the one to stay and he will have no problem taking care of Endale.  I have complete confidence in him as a Daddy.  Friday night, Camden and I will begin our journey home from Ethiopia and Matt and Endale will stay.  We're hoping for a fairly quick process.  It may be around 2-3 weeks, but the up-side to that is that Endale never has to be in anyone else's care.  He will be with Daddy until he comes home!  And that also means, he could be HOME...OUR HOME in 2-3 weeks!!!!!  I can hardly fathom this and cannot wait until our whole family is together.  These are the steps to cross off before Matt can come home:

-Receive Adoption Decree
-Receive Birth Certificate
-Get 3 MOWA letters
-Get Endale's passport
-Medical appointment for Endale at Embassy
-Get Endale's visa
-Submit our case to Embassy
-Get Embassy appointment
-Clear embassy

Thank you for your continued prayers.  
*Please pray that the court here and the embassy will be diligent in processing everything for our case.  
*Pray for Dereje who is working so hard for our family (and many others) to make sure these children are placed in Christian homes.  
*Pray for Matt as he stays here with Endale.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Busy Day!

Tuesday in Ethiopia was wonderful for us!  We were still adjusting to the time change.  We all woke up in the middle of the night here and were wide awake.  Endale slept like a champ!  The guest house has a sweet cook named Hewitt who makes breakfast for everyone in the house.  Yesterday, we had something that would be similar to spring rolls (yes! with veggies) for breakfast.  She hand rolled them the day before.  They were yummy!

After breakfast, we were excited to get out and see what we could in Ethiopia.  We joined our new friends, also from our agency, and went out to the market place to shop.  As we drove through the city, I just took everything in.  We also visited a scarf making factory.  This organization provided a place where men and women could make scarves to earn money for their families.  The women would have to walk up a mountain to gather wood and carry it back down on their shoulders.  Now, at the factory, each scarf that is sold has name attached to it and whoever made the scarf receives the money.

Outside of the scarf factory, there were lots of kids playing and Camden went right over and started playing with them.  They loved playing with him.  Here are some pictures from our day.  Endale was right there with us, but we can't show you his face yet.....stay tuned!

We also took care of some things that needed to be checked off our adoption list.  The other couple also had to do the same things, so we joined them.  We had to get small passport photos of the babies and copies made of some of our paperwork.  Since there isn't a Walgreen's on every corner, we were taken to a professional photo shop to get the pictures.  We all laughed and smiled at all the props as we were there just to get a 2x2 head shot of our kiddos.  We weren't exactly sure what we were going to get, but it turned out perfect!

At the end of the day, Matt and I were blessed to meet up with a Southern Baptist missionary that is here in Ethiopia with his family.  We had brought some medicine and supplies for his family.  He came and picked us up and we spent the evening having dinner and sweet fellowship with them.

We are so in love with our little guy.  He is as mellow as can be.  He will be 20 months at the end of this month, but he is tiny!  He is wearing size 2 diapers and 6 month old clothes.  I will also add that he as cute as cute can be!  (Yes, that is a soon as we pass court, we can show him to the world!)

Monday, March 17, 2014

And He Will Give You the Desire of Your Heart

Psalm 37:4 

Take delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.


 Years ago, God placed a desire in my heart to adopt a child with Down Syndrome.  He gave me a special love for children with special needs and I knew right then that God was calling me to do something big.  In dating Matt, I shared with him this calling that God had on my life.  We had no idea how God would fulfill this calling.  We just knew that when He did, we would step out in obedience and say "yes".  God put Endale in our path and we knew, He was given to us by God to be a part of our family.


Today, my heart swelled as we drove to the transition house.  So many emotions flooded my heart and mind.  I still am in awe at God's faithfulness throughout this whole process.   I am so grateful that He chose our family as a vessel to love Endale.  


 We arrived at the transition house after a short ride from our guest house.  They opened the gate and we walked it.  It all seemed so surreal.  I had imagined it over and over again.  I immediately became emotional seeing the older children playing in the entry way and seeing other cribs holding babies waiting for their families.  We walked up the stairs to the room that has been home to Endale for the last 8 months.  We turned the corner and there he was.  Tears streamed down my face as I looked for approval from the nanny to pick up my baby from his crib.  He clung to me.  I cried.  Matt cried.  Camden cried.  It was a beautiful mess laced with God's glory. 


We walked him out of the transition house and he joined us at the guest house.  We held him, fed him and took a nap with him.  I have examined his every detail and can't wait to learn more about his personality. 


Also staying in the guesthouse is another family from our agency who we connected with online.  They had their court date a couple of weeks ago.  It was so fun to finally meet them in person and share in the joy of the new blessings in both of our families.  We went to a fun Ethiopian restaurant with them for lunch.


I can't wait for all this week as in store.  Very soon, I can show you our boy's sweet face. Camden is in love with his new baby brother.  He must have told Endale that he loves him fifty times already.  My heart is full.  God is so good.


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

We're leavin' on a jet plane!

This morning I got the best message ever from our agency director saying...
"Hurry, go get your boy!"  

We have our court date!  It is so surreal.  We are not going to disclose the actual court date online, but I can tell you that it is NEXT week.  

So from here, Matt, Christy and Camden will leave on Saturday to head to Washington, D.C. where we will have a connecting flight the next morning to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia!  Since our flight leaves so early on Sunday and we had to arrive the day before, we have an added blessing.  We will get to see Matt's Dad and step-mom who live a short drive away.  Also, we get to see our dear friends from Rio Rancho, the Prospers, who have been away working in the DC area for several months.   We'll catch up with loved ones to pass the time!

We'll get on our LONG flight on Sunday morning.  We will arrive in Ethiopia on Monday morning (Sunday night US time).  It seems as though we will get to meet our boy THAT very morning. So while you sleep on Sunday night, we will finally get to hold him in our arms!! I can hardly stop imagining what that will be like.

We are so overwhelmed by everyone's prayers and excitement.  Please know that God receives all the glory for this story He is writing.  We can love big because HE loved us first.  My prayer over and over through this is that God's glory would be revealed and that our sweet E would know the Father's love in our family.  I cannot wait to kiss his sweet head and see his smile up close.

We will try and update our blog daily if internet allows.  Once we pass court, I can share his face with the world!  You won't want to miss that big reveal....he is CUTE.  Unfortunately, we cannot bring him home until after we clear embassy.  Many steps follow the court date and right now, it looks like it would be one month before we could clear embassy and go back to bring him home!

Let's do this.