Tuesday, December 31, 2013

There's Nothing My God cannot Do!

Our God is so GREAT
So strong and so Mighty
There's NOTHING my God cannot do!
(a favorite song of my kids)

It sounds like there is more positive news circulating about adoption in Ethiopia.  From what I have gathered, it seems like they are trying to reform the adoption program in Ethiopia, but not completely shut it down-PRAISE GOD!  The government and officials there certainly still need your prayers.

As for our specific case, we got some updates yesterday.  MOWA has asked for an updated signature on one of our documents.  I guess it was over a year old while Endale was in the orphanage.  The in-country representative from our agency, who is so diligent and wonderful, is working to get the new signature on that document.  He's hoping to have it back to MOWA by next week; however, January 7 is the day Ethiopia celebrates Christmas, so that may slow things down a bit.  Once MOWA has this updated signature, they SHOULD issue our court date!  So we are praying to get there some time in January to kiss our boy's sweet face and make him a Sellers forever! 

Please continue to pray for the following:

-Our agency director and other employees that have been bombarded with crazy adoptive families like us anxious over the news the last few days.  They have handled the situations with grace and continue to put these children needing homes as their top priorities.

-Our Endale who is smiling the days away having no idea that a family across the world is anxiously awaiting his homecoming.

-The Ethiopian government officials that will be making decisions in the coming days to reform their adoption process and the millions of orphans that need a home and will be affected by their decision one way or another.

-Continued peace for our family.  We know that God is with us and Endale and that His timing is perfect.

Thank you for praying for us!

1 comment:

  1. Praise God! I've been thinking of your family and Endale.
